You are the gift

While being here in Mexico I have had plenty of time to think about things past and future. I have thought a lot about school , my family, and the relationships I currently have and was making. I kept having a sincere desire to help someone in need for as long as I can remember but I couldn’t seem to figure out exactly the right way to help someone in need. I always felt like there was always something more to do then what I was currently doing. As I arrived in Mexico there was one specific night early on that I remember clearly. After everyone had gone to bed my thoughts seemed to be moving in all directions. I decided to sit outside under the stars in a hammock and ponder about the future of the direction I was going. I didn’t realize that the ambition to serve others was right where I was. I had a choice of whether or not to truly use this time to help others or slowly drift past this time and only remember it as a memory. That same day my dad sent us a motivation...