You are the gift

 While being here in Mexico I have had plenty of time to think about things past and future. I have thought a lot about school, my family, and the relationships I currently have and was making. I kept having a sincere desire to help someone in need for as long as I can remember but I couldn’t seem to figure out exactly the right way to help someone in need. I always felt like there was always something more to do then what I was currently doing. As I arrived in Mexico there was one specific night early on that I remember clearly. After everyone had gone to bed my thoughts seemed to be moving in all directions. I decided to sit outside under the stars in a hammock and ponder about the future of the direction I was going. I didn’t realize that the ambition to serve others was right where I was. I had a choice of whether or not to truly use this time to help others or slowly drift past this time and only remember it as a memory. That same day my dad sent us a motivational talk and I couldn’t help but ponder about what gifts I had to help others. I realized that what I had to do was to lose myself in the service of others. Exactly as Sister Eubank from the LDS society try to lose our fears and have goals to help others. I found it very hard before this trip to lose fear and go ahead into serving others. I had to lose the fear of being inadequate and insufficient to teach the kids we were teaching. I had to learn to work harder, and understand a different side of the world that I wasn’t accustomed to. In order to fully appreciate Sister Eubank talk after this night I decided that fear was the only thing holding me back to fully express what it was I thought the people needed. I then went on to have a talk with Jenna whom I work with daily. We had to convince ourselves that the time we had here in Merida was precious. We tried using our time daily to help others which were not expected. We had to sit down and really plan our lessons plans so that we could have the best experience at the community center. I will forever be grateful for the lesson I learned from Sister Eubank to aspire to make a difference in the service of the others.  


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