
Here we go again... if you're wondering why I named this one love its probably not the same type your thinking. I don't have a crazy summer love story or any crazy idea of what love really is, even though it's my favorite thing to gossip about (aka. listen too).  No, the reason I named this one love, is because I want to remember that exact feeling you feel when you are loved unconditionally. The type of Love nobody can really describe or give hugs and kisses to, the type everyone longs for but takes a long time to find. This type of love can only come through one thing when you lose yourself in helping someone else. This week ended the summer courses we had been teaching the kids for the past two weeks. During the past two weeks, all we have been doing is waking up early going to the class, teaching five hours of English and enjoying the kids grow a bit stronger in their communication with us.  When the courses were over and all of them had finally performed all they had accomplished in the past two weeks, all of them scream and shouted that English had become their favorite class. The kids kept giving us hugs, and the adults kept commenting on how grateful they had been for us to have helped in the past two weeks. I teared up just a bit because although  I can't really describe it I felt love, and was able to give a bit of love to the kids. We taught English and made snacks with them. I had never felt more joy and sadness at the same time. Although it was short I'm grateful that this experience has taught me to love others and to receive a bit of love from it. If your missing Love in your life, go out and find it! 


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