Manta Rays

There aren't a lot of people who know this but when I was little and swimming in the depths of a Venezuelan beach a wave caught me and my two cousins into the biggest current I would ever experience. That moment would change my perspective on the ocean for the rest of my life. I experienced the strength and capacity of the ocean and I felt so helpless while I struggled to swim and catch a breath while keeping my cousin afloat because of her lack of swim experience. Needless to say, I turned out more than ok after a quick short prayer but I would never underestimate the power of the ocean and what lies within it. This weekend we had the opportunity to head to Playa del Carmen after a long week with the kids. The kids explained to us that the area wasn't safe and exclaimed: "what are you guys doing!!!".

While we were there we went to a local snorkeling shop down the street from our house. I hesitated at first because
1. I still had a fear of fish
2. we would have no safety net to catch us if something happened
3. I was still scared of the wide open ocean
4. money sadly was running out.

  BUT this experience will have been the best 45 Bucks I have ever spent in my entire life. I have never felt more grateful to see the ocean in its beauty, with such calm waters. While we were there the guide was carrying a dead fish ( which I surely thought would call out for any crazy fish) but everything remained calm and we were on the lookout. After swimming for a bit a big Sting Ray came out of nowhere. And there it was my biggest fear swimming right under me, and a guide ready to feed it. Soon after we were invited to feed it. I ran away at first, but then I said how could I pass up an opportunity like this. Surely then we fed the Stingray and it was the most beautiful thing to see. The girls kept saying they never thought they would think a stingray was such a cute animal. But it really was the most tender, and honest animal that made it so we didn't have to be afraid.  The fear I had since that day in Venezuela was over and I actually felt safer in the water than I ever had before. To get to the point.

Don't be afraid to surpass your greatest weakness

 You never know what joy lies after you surpass it. Take every opportunity that lies ahead of you as if you could never fail. You never know unless you try is something I have learned while being here and I truly believe its the best way to help you know your greatest potential.


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