Que fino.. 1 day out of 45

To answer the big question.. Yes it is very hot.

Well. Here we are. 1 day down out of 45 quick days of volunteering in merida. To explain quickly what I'm really doing down here is a quick internship for public health. In all honesty, not in a million years did I think I would be here in Mexico teaching public health, but yet here we are and it is amazing. 

The past two days have been a roller coaster of emotions. Getting to Merida I have felt nothing more than joy and curiosity of building a friendship with everyone here. Mexico has my heart and I love the smells, the people, and of course the food. Getting here made me more anxious than anything else. I was nervous to find myself in another country where once again I had to discover the daily routine of those who live here. But I found no greater joy in serving others and making the best of what we have. My goal for this trip was not only to find joy in serving and teaching others in a way that I can help but also strive to live in a way that can achieve love for those that may need it. The next six weeks I will live by the motto of do your best and the lord will provide the rest, and we can all do this knowing all this sacrifice is so worth it.. 


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